Sunday 30 August 2015

WTF Hair

Hmm... So Alan has always rocked so many different hair styles and always looked hot. But his latest one? 
Well it's just shit! Sorry Alan we aren't digging your new locks. We are hoping its cos Alan needs his hair like this because of a new show he is filming! Hopefully he can't wait to fix his hair disaster either! 

Hunk in Lycra

We miss Young Charioteers! 
Even though Alan wasn't in it nearly enough - he should have had a much bigger part! Talking of big parts... This Lycra shows of Alan really well!

Saturday 29 August 2015

Bring back the beef?

Alan doesn't seem to have been on TVB much recently,  and when he has (perhaps in ghost of relativity) he hasn't been looking as fit and muscular.  Remember the days when he was a bulked up beef hunk? 

Come on Alan, hit the gym some more and get your shirt off more often!